Sunday, March 10, 2013

At the Brink of Eternity

Dad is dying.  The bleeding from his tumor cannot be stopped.  He understands this, and he fully expects he will will not leave his hospital bed, save into the arms of his Redeemer.

Friday morning he blacked out and fell in the bathroom.  Luckily, and assistant was standing by and immediately called 911.  He was out for 10 minutes.  I met Dad in the Emergency Room... his blood pressure and hemoglobin were critically low.  He was taken to the CICU, and received 9 units of blood over the next two days.  An endoscopy this morning revealed the extent and condition of the tumor, and the staff shifted their focus from keeping him alive to keeping him comfortable.

He is too weak to go back to his beautiful room at assisted living.  There is always a chance that he could rally his strength, and live for a few more weeks or maybe a month.  That, of course, is in God's hands.  I do find comfort that he is facing his final hours surrounded by people who are caring for him, instead of passing out and dying alone in a small, cluttered upstairs apartment.

I think that God is in this, after all.


  1. Katie and I will be praying for your dad and your family.

  2. Thanks, Chris! By the way, Dad is in Mission Hospital, just around the corner from you.


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